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Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through.

~ Anaïs Nin

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through.

~ Anaïs Nin

Ready to become who you are truly meant to be? To align who you are as a person with what you need and want out of life and business? To be a better leader?

Exciting, purposeful transformation is possible with my unique coaching methodology. As your guide, I will help you get crystal clear on what’s most important to you – not to your parents, your friends, or society. Instead of pursuing what someone else says is important, you’ll know what matters most to you – and only you. And begin living your purpose-driven life.

Here’s how:

Live In Integrity

The first step on our journey involves examining yourself closely. Who are you, at a deep level? What matters most to you? What motivates you? What are you really trying to accomplish, and why? By answering these questions, you’ll be able to move toward your purpose.

Act with Intention

Grounded in a deeper understanding of who you are, you’ll establish the outcomes and actions to which you are deeply committed, so you can act with intention and purpose to unlock your potential.

Create the Best Possible Version of Yourself

You will develop the skills to identify those aspects of your life and work that are consistent – and inconsistent – with who you are and how you intend to live. You can then continuously harmonize what you are doing with the best possible version of yourself. The tools you learn here will serve you for a lifetime.

While there’s no annual contract or long-term commitment, coaching with me typically starts with a 6-month plan that includes regularly scheduled conversations, coupled with homework assignments designed to make our work together and your development as rapid and meaningful as possible.

Together, we can begin the process of change. So you can flourish instead of flounder, thrive instead of languish.

Ready to get started?

Contact me today to set up your free, no-obligation call.


Chris is an effective communicator and leader who is passionate about helping others. He challenges you to think deeply about yourself and your organization. He creates trust easily and has been a great resource.

~ Jason Harrington, CEO, HB Construction

Chris is an effective communicator and leader who is passionate about helping others. He challenges you to think deeply about yourself and your organization. He creates trust easily and has been a great resource.

~ Jason Harrington, CEO, HB Construction

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