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Despite your business 'success,' is fulfillment elusive? Ask yourself:

Despite your business 'success,' is fulfillment elusive? Ask yourself:

Am I satisfied with the impact I'm making?

Am I satisfied with the impact I'm making?

Am I living authentically?

Am I living authentically?

Am I creating meaningful relationships?

Am I creating meaningful relationships?

Your Guide to Purpose

After experiencing business success that was lonely and unsatisfying, Chris began exploring how to get back on a purpose-driven path. As your guide, he can steer you back onto the focused and fulfilling path you were meant to travel.


If you are at a crossroads in your life or career, Chris is the guy to set you on the right path.

~ Kirk Durham, Producer, KW Durham, Inc.

If you are at a crossroads in your life or career, Chris is the guy to set you on the right path.

~ Kirk Durham, Producer, KW Durham, Inc.

You can become a better, more influential business leader. Here’s how to begin leading with purpose.

Origins of The 3 Life Questions: Meaning and Purpose

I developed The 3 Life Questions™ over a period of forty years of living, working, meditating, and wrestling with my…

Origins of The 3 Life Questions: What Matters Most

After Man’s Search for Meaning, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s On Death and Dying probably had the largest impact on the development…

Origins of The 3 Life Questions: The Examined Life

Fr. Anthony De Mello was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist from Bombay, India. Awareness essentially is a transcript from a…

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